Who are we?

…biologists, computer scientists, chemists, mathematicians, doctors, physicists, pharmacists, data scientists… all work together to promote biomedical research and improve public health.

The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics is a non-profit academic organisation whose mission is to lead and coordinate the field of bioinformatics in Switzerland.


SIB unites about 80 research and service groups, among which 800 internationally-renowned scientists in the fields of genomics, proteomics, phylogeny, systems biology, structural biology, text-mining, machine learning and personalized health.

SIB offers the national and international life science community cutting-edge infrastructure in bioinformatics such as resources, expertise and services, and offers a broad training programme in bioinformatics.


Bioinformatics for all

Expanding Your Horizons – 2017, © Nicolas Righetti /Lundi13.ch

Since 2006, the SIB has been developing educational platforms and interactive workshops for students (aged 12 to 18) and the layman to introduce present-day bioinformatics tools and undertake scientific endeavours similar to those undertaken by researchers today.


How to get in touch

Interested in a workshop conducted by one of our SIB experts? In your classroom or elsewhere? Do you have questions? Suggestions?
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Quartier Sorge – Batiment Amphipole
1015 Lausanne, Suisse
+41 21 692 40 50